Recovery times are getting all Strutter on me and the usual instigator wasn't even there!!!!
Hahhaaa, well, MASSIVE thanks to those of you who braved the trip South and dress code to Club AC last Friday - it was a super mad night against all the odds - poor Taylor coming down with Pneumonia, Mr Strutter with a shoulder out all strapped up unable to move and not in a good way.... what else coulda gone wrong huh? Oh, just the barely off crutches one yours truly getting TWO eyes full of special sauce that made my eyes swell to the size of two plums about three hours before the soundcheck. Luckily I had a male nurse on hand who did all the right things and got me the right meds to clear it all out and things calmed down in time to set off............ you couldn't make up such things and be believed I tell ya, my life is certainly not one that could bore the shit out of anybody, nor make anyone wish to trade places no doubt....
A few pictures from the night are on facebook as this website is messing with me and I cant work out how to do it right now!?! (WHAT IS GOING ON?), also, a new gig date in the list, SUNDAY 27th March with the lovely whacky lot including Mr Spizz Energi that run a new night at the Castle called Sunday Supplements, more info and flyer to come, but if you fancy an early Sunday shebang with Sharron Slutt and co put the date in your diary now and I'll give more info as soon as it lands!....Rock and Roll babies, more the merrier. Inabit! XXXX