
See you at the 100 Club, one week today for the first night of Girls Rock the 100 club, featuring the Priscillas and myself!

Ok, here's one Im REALLY looking forward to, more than any I've done so far, as I've fantasised about gracing that stage since my youngs eyes feasted on stories about the types who have performed there that inspired me to do this Music thing in the first place.... I just can't wait to grace the stage of the Legendary 100 club in my own right, so do come down as it will be a fun night and the club and myself need your presence to make it a corker of a night. And to celebrate the first 2011 GIRLS night at the 100 club, anyone who makes the effort to come down wearing or displaying (you can use your imagination now here girls and boys!!) something PINK on the night (Think hair, shoes, skirts, stockings, hats, and yes that means you too boys.... ;-)) can see me for a free Kiria CD, SO, get your glitz on dollies and come along for a ball!!
Tickets available here, http://www.wegottickets.com/event/102260 - keep yours on the night for entry into our little competition ;-) xxxx

Live at the Dublin Castle

Live at the Dublin Castle

About Me

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London, United Kingdom
London born and based singer, songwriter - misfit.