Yeah, I've dragged my sorry ass out to Espania to escape the shit storm which has unfortunately been my life since my amazingly great fun night parading up and down the blessed stage of the 100 Club last Saturday. Things seemed to spiral out of control since that night and I've been left feeling like Dorothy in my little red stilletoes getting whipped up into the air and shaken around and tortured and thrown back down to land in a place that I'd never dreamed existed. Unfortunately for me my nightmare seemed far more wicked witch-inhabited than prancing down the yellow brick road in the arms of a giant fuzzy lion but, hey ho, I can still see my sparkly shoes down there and the scent of ripe oranges and freshly bursting young almond blossom is upon me in the beautiful hills here, so I guess it's all going to be alright in the end.
Fuck, why IS life so treacherous at times? Why are people so shallow, why do we lie to eachother when we all know truth hurts way less than lies ever do. Why the games, why the nastiness, how comes women are so wicked and fucking bitter, how comes I am so strange. Sometimes I think it can't be people any more, it's gots'ta be me that don't get it, I can't fit in, why can't I grow up? Why can't I grow a big grown up coat that's thick and tough and protects me from all the bullshit hey? I mean, I'm kinda happy wandering about like little girl lost, I shouldn't think I'd ever want to stop trying new things, it's fun, and not being tied down and life being all kinds of dreamy is exciting, and in some ways I'd never want that to change, but why do things have to burn and sting you. Why cant I get just that lickle bit more sensible and not keep mucking up. I don't get it sometimes, but anyway, I feel like Im talking shit now. Hey ho, it's my diary, I can talk as much shit as I want, hahahhaaaaa..
But anyways, for a quick low down. Basically, Im booking lots more gigs, writing new shit, loving my new drummer, working hard on side projects which Ill tell you about real soon, few reviews hitting the shelves, new mag interviews, shall post links asap.
OH, and new single out in March, new video for Valentines day just for you-hoooo....blah blah blah, it's all pretty exciting for sure so that's what I gots ta concentrate on :-) :-) That and getting better cos I aint been too well since the show, but less said about that the better at the risk of feeling sorry for myself! There is a difference in confusion and self pity but they easily morph together. :-) Back soon. Much Love y'all, adios, XXXX xxxx XXXX xxxx