
It's getting closer to Christmas

And I've done jack as usual apart from acquire myself yet more lovely things to dress in, HA! Oh, and of course fill some holes in my ever growing record collection, even if lots of them are replacement items as so many things go missing. I attempted to clean my messy house up today, admittedly didn't get very far but it looks a damn site more reasonable than the dirty little den it's grown into of late. Too much fun, PAH!! Cleaning aint my style. It's been a full on week or two, I had great fun creaming all over Sharron Slutt at the gig at The Festival Of Sins on Saturday. Massive apologies to all who came along late AND paid full price on the door, I honestly didn't know our stage time had been moved from 11.15 to 10pm which was a real bummer. Hey ho, you live and learn hey? 

Ooooh, here's the link to one of Garry Bushell's Total Rock podcasts I went and had a real laugh on last Friday. Such a lovely, witty bloke, I always have a ball in his company and you can hear a few tracks off the album on there amongst some other great new bands/tracks.

 Do check his blog out (http://www.the-gonads.co.uk/blog.htm) for a laugh and tip off here and there as to what's on the cards for next year, it's going to be a crazy one for me and Music, that much I do know!

Ok, the six (recession and current budget cuts means you get half around here) days of Christmas snaps I shall post throughout the duration, but anyone wanting a personal mail each day with some extra ones in, please do email me with "Six of the Best please" in the subject line and I'll make sure you get mailed yours personally.

Many gigs in the pipelines and new recordings for Jan which Im really lookin' forward to. Will keep posted, and don't forget, January the 15th is the first date we play at the 100 Club on a new all female night for 2011, featuring the excellent The Priscillas - stick it in yer diary darlins. Inabit! xxxx

Live at the Dublin Castle

Live at the Dublin Castle

About Me

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London, United Kingdom
London born and based singer, songwriter - misfit.