Glowing album reviews - I can't believe these!!!! What a shock for a Monday Morning....
I guess it sounds a bit morbid that I wasn't really sure what the reaction to my first record would be, but you sort of get used to people complaining about everything you do, a'la some of the big labels I've met and journalist's work I have witnessed, so this morning I was really excited to read these blush-worthy big-ups by a couple of different fanzines....check 'em out! It's nice to have your Music enjoyed, it's really special and makes it feel all worthwhile....
Still recovering from an almighty Strutter'ing on Saturday night! It never could have been as exciting as the Sharon horgan birthday gig because I simply loved that, my best, favourite Rock and Roll gig ever was undoubtedly never going to be followed by anything quite as exciting! But hey - ho. In for a penny and all that! New dates coming up, but so far in October so you have a bit of time to get in touchn for invites! Big Love! XXXX