I don't want to grow up. Sound farmiliar?
Life is so short, in fact it flies by when you're having a ball, so best to pack as much happy stuff in as possible. Including a hell of a lot of Rock and Roll, and there's nothing better than the Ramones to get a sleepy head off the silky pillow.
It's been a great but very long week, I've been to France to see my favourite purple genius, the reigning Prince of Pop himself, Prince - for which I spent half the concert in tears, but more about that little beauty later, as I am nursing some rather hefty scars from my latest duel with the mighty Mike Strutter celebrating the gorgeous Sharon Horgan's birthday - apologies if your delightful red heart shoes are damaged, hopefully they are just wipe clean of icing sugar and Jack Daniels! Friday's (impromptu costumed - poor Paul, he needed a nurse after being concust on Friday!) gig was almost certainly the best gig of my life so far, so much fun! Finishing with a wicked rehearsal yesterday, although my eyes could hardly stay open!!, and on that note I'm off to the studio for a shoot. If Mrs Mills can make me look glamorous after this much flying about, then her title will seriously be promoted to genius too! Got me matchsticks, will party ;-)
Inabit! xxxx