Girl Next Door.
Ahhhh, punchable!
Lovely day at Arsenal on Sunday, really enjoyed myself so thankyou Stevie Budd for the unexpected seat change, enjoyed that, although every time I stood up and cheered I got Vertigo and thought I was going to fall down on top of everyone!
I'm going to see my new Pr/label Manager thingy girl today so I'm kinda gearing up for that and looking forward to getting things off the ground, although I have my work cut out for the next few months now!! A quick holiday before I start is in order, I tell ya, as otherwise I'll be using Matchsticks to keep these lids open in my videos!
Anyway, promise to keep you posted, video is OFF on Saturday those who offered to help, it's being postboned as the set isn't exactly ready nor some of my outfits and it's less stress to forward it. :-) Inabit! XXXX