I used to miss him....
But now my aim is getting better.......
No, that wasn't a reference to anybody in particular, just a random golden nugget that makes me smile when I feel lonely or pissed off. And I have been pissed off. Very. This past week deserves to be placed firmly in the past. Although, having said that I guess there were some positives in there somewhere, and the future is all that matters so hey-ho.
I've been pissed off as I said. But I'm feeling OK today. It's just that I'm finally seeing that revenge really is a dish best served cold and it never pays to go quietly as you feel bad after whatever the incident was. Must be my dear friend Harry Harnett telling tantalising tales of poo parcels and notes from Fido filling my mind with happy thoughts about people who deserve their come-uppence finally getting it from time to time. I'm hungry. I'm hungry and I need a cup of tea darling. Silly question. What are you going to do about it? You have no idea where I live, I have no idea who you are, you are not my darling so it looks highly likely as though I shall have to retreat to the kitchen once more this morning and stare at my little pink kettle hoping it will fill itself up and boil me a nice brew, before sloping back off to my little pink computer to look at more things I need to do that I want to ignore in the name of surfing cheap tarty clothing and planning world domination in the form of a new super Punk rock band (name under wraps - i.e. there aint one yet!). Every day I get a little bit closer to a plan, which is great. Hey, I could be going backwards. And I could still be sitting on my ass wishing Lux Interior was still with us and Iggy Pop wasn't doing Insurance adverts and that Camden market wasn't over-run with Chinese stalls and Karen didn't have to get rid of her stall in Portobello rather than working on something exciting to change all that. Which reminds me, I AM sitting on said ass feeling the blues when I should be out enjoying myself chasing around and playing my guitar and laying down new tunes! So, here I go! BAck soon, Love to all....P.S., apologies for any website tantrums, they will be temporary.... enjoy your day :-) XXXX