Busy beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Hey. It's me. It's been a spectacular week full of twists, turns and prizes. Good things come to those who wait they strangely say but it sometimes appears to be true. Hope all is well with you, whoever you are and wherever you are! I went to see a fantastic band last Thursday at the Gaff, The Derellas http://www.myspace.com/thederellas1 - check them out if you want to see an amazing live band, their bass player is quite possibly the best I have ever had the pleasure of witnessing live, and frankly Mr Shankly you'd be mad to miss them.......
Their new album is still sitting neatly in it's packet unfortunately but thats only because I've been busy looking after number one, so to speak....I shall write about that in due time but have a looky listen yourself....I promise they won't dissapoint.
Anyway, what else, errrrm, not alot really that I can be bothered to type but I would like to ask a favour of you pop tarts, and that is that if you happen to be on facebook (yeah, shite I know....) you don't have to admit it but you could do us a favour and go and secretly join the group
"Storm The Charts" ( http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=231943888357 and) and vote for me, (number 158 Kiria/Radio) when the time is right. It's this cool bunch who fancy overturning the Ladyboy Gaga/Xfucktor shite in the charts - and I figure I should be in it........
Right, off I pop, early night for me, I've got rehearsals tomorrow WOOOHOOOO! Exciting. Inabit. xxxx