The "african" Rastafarian plumber and the traffic wardens.
Aaaaaaaaaaaarrgh! As if it wasn't enough to be lying down trying to calm my over active self yesterday after the full on week I have had, but a HUGE row erupted outside my house between a rather loud Rasta shouting the odds about black man being repressed by the white man and how the traffic wardens were doing a disservice to all African brothers and put themselves to shame and were now repressing the said Rasta and that if they continued to opress the black man in the name of the white man, the black man would not only kill the white man, but kill the black man too. Said Rasta was only wearing a council work jacket with "PLUMBER" emblazoned across the back.... Top that irritating outburst with a young lady with a huge fox fur jacket on complaining she was "cold" and proceeding to defend her actions by telling me she hated animals because "animal's were stupid....", and you have one seriously offended Kiria.
Two fights later and after two days of sleep deprivation due to an unstill mind, I am still standing and heading off to see Arsenal for some R&R. Well, me and 60 thousand yelping people aint exactly a break. Let's hope Cescy Fabregas leads the lads to victory so that at least our poor boy Aarnon Ramsey can have a lift out of the pits knowing he won't be playing again from some time.... :-(
Next Kiria gig is a performance at the BFI on Thusrday the 25th March. Stick that in your diaries darlings, and I'll post some more information soon. happy weekend to ya.... XXXX