
This morning's post....

I felt so very happy when I left my boudoir and checked my mail this morning that I couldn't stop smiling. Sometimes I feel a bit moody or a bit down or occasionally feel too tired because I get too busy to write in this diary and I do the old "nobody reads it anyway and my album will never be out and blah blah blah" self pity malarkey so it's an absolute thrill to snap out of that, especially when you do by reading a delightful message from an obviously avid reader about why they enjoy it and to even hear that they miss it when I don't write it. :-D The beauty of human contact eh? That's about the nicest email I could have possibly recieved today, it cheered me up no end, thank you! (You know who you are and are probably mid long haul flight by now!).

Anyway, I really am busy today, rehearsal seriously needed! So much for practising in advance hey? I never was an organised kinda girl....I need to start attempting to remember what the hell I put down chord wise on some of the songs I've picked for tomorrow night seeing as I've got to do it on my lonesome. No back up, just me and the pink plank, so let's pray I'm not walking it.... 

 Although, if I even get the tiniest inkling that one or all of The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence (LOVE THEM!) or the marvellously groomed Earl Grey are in danger of outdoing me I shall swiftly resort to full backing tracks, silk gown, war paint and diamonds a la Dame Shirley....;-) XXXX

Live at the Dublin Castle

Live at the Dublin Castle

About Me

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London, United Kingdom
London born and based singer, songwriter - misfit.