
Punk Rock is alive and well me darlins

And will be kicking ass in your faces before long! :-)

I had a wicked week, met up with an "extremely charming" (please pronounce this with a peg on your nose) chap of the name Steve Harnett in the "office" on Denmark Street for an authur'noon about town in the rain, nice.... My day included a barrage of excitement from a Lovely guy with tourettes who started excitedly and uncontrollably shouting about having sex and getting a cuddle and my stockings and the like as I went in one of my fave guitar shops, which gained many red faces, (Bar mine of course which was most amused and cheaply thrilled) culminating with a drink in Holloway with Knox of the Vibrators and the little lovely who runs a great alt music mag The Big Cheese, and ending up at the Cobden to watch lovelier by the minuteLuita (ex Friction!!) and another cool plank spanker Glen perform in The Last Grand.
Ok, so The Last Grand are not my kind of Punk music-wise, but seem to have honed their sound and show rather well since the last time I saw them, and were very well recieved by my gorgeous guest, amongst others watching the usual monotonous female desperado singer type shite in your usual decidedly dead Music industry showcase type affair....

AAAARGGGH, I'm brimming with new tunes and a new found confidence at the minute and am excitedly preparing adverts for a new band that I'm thrilled about, I can't wait to get back out gigging with a hot band, which I know they will be, I can feel it in my little bones! I'm ready to start recording album 2 so I hope they appear fast, hint hint anyone amazing reading this.

 Particularly baby Steve Jones (male OR female incarnate - I just know your out there somewhere.)Come to Mummy! ;-) You can't hear my howling cat call now but here's praying it works. Who else do I want? Hmmmm, well, the original Sex Pistols line up would have been just dandy but that's already been done so I better stick a few originals in there but you get my thread I'm sure....

Right. Food time for me, then it's my Saturday Portobello Road Karen Johnston fix followed by a sauna and some SEX. Pistols of course. I just got my self in the mood........


Live at the Dublin Castle

Live at the Dublin Castle

About Me

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London, United Kingdom
London born and based singer, songwriter - misfit.