

Hello. It's me. sleepy head. I could not leave the pit for the life of me this morning! And I don't think I'm the only one given the state of Strutter and I on Saturday night! Two in  row was not for the feint hearted! Recovery times are starting to look longer for me, unless I really do have a bit of a lergie....I have succumbed to getting a cold or flu for some time now, due to healthy lifestyle changes etcetera, but maybe I gave in to tiredness. I'm really looking forward to Christmas now anyhow for a good old rest. At least my bruises are on the way out as I'm shooting again next week. Sorry for the lack of pictures this last few weeks, I'm kind of saving them up for the new website so haven't posted any. I best take some self portraits over the break :-).

I'm supposed to be painting my hallway according to my diary today but have to say I've not got very far in doing anything much just yet. I decided to limit the amount of time I allow myself on the computer unless it's for creative purposes - and no that DOES NOT mean browsing various websites looking at who know's what nor Louboutin hunting, I mean for writing or artwork! It is the work of the devil I tell ya, the internet in large doses.... watch it people....
But, no rules on sleep, and I'm getting plenty of it since I got back from Ireland yesterday.

Wooooo haaaaa, now I'm having a "heated discussion" with an incredibly stupid man on the telephone who thinks he can charge me for a mistake he made. The silly banana considers me liable for an expensive delivery charge he does not want to pay whilst I consider myself put out by the fact that my stylish new table, a major focal point in my whacky new front room design is all ass about face for Christmas AND a shoot I planned which will have to be put back because of it. Merry Christmas you fucking pleb....


So, you are probably cursing by now as you came here to get away from Christmas banter and here I am banging on about it! I have to say I think this is the first year I have actually looked forward to it in some time. Not being religious nor having a family of my own or any of those kind of things that make you enjoy the whole malarkey I usually look at it as a scary time that can bring out the naff side of lonliness and spur you into a self indulgent mess of thinking about the past or feeling sorry for yourself, if you know what I mean. I know I've had a fair few duff ones.

But hey, for the first time since I was thirteen and left the nest each year for it I don't feel that way anymore. Hopefully because I'm starting to feel happier with myself and have come to terms with the idea that my life is what I make it. AND I realise it's all just another damned day. It's another holiday in which you can make the most of the time resting and smiling and doing whatever you feel like doing, in your own company or with others. For those cursing me here thinking they have no option and I'm a smug little sod for being so positive - try  www.timebank.org.co.uk or www.do-it.org.uk and get out and about helping others over the holiday. Trust me, helping a cause other than your own (!) can take your mind off your own shit. Spending time with yourself is not so bad, it's a great thing, and the time alone is what you make it. So you can either spend the holiday visiting loved ones, spending time with yourself, helping people out and about which is a great way of meeting people I found, or sitting at home feeling sorry for yourself - (you know this can be very enjoyable sometimes) - you know you can make your time as enjoyable as you please.

I sound like an agony aunt. :-) Inabit, Miss busybody! xxxx

Live at the Dublin Castle

Live at the Dublin Castle

About Me

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London, United Kingdom
London born and based singer, songwriter - misfit.