Merry Christmas....
To all! I've managed to get to a computer, as my little hideyhole in the country has proved to be marvellous but cut me off from the land of the internet - a great thing in some ways but not for keeping this blog up! Hopefully Father Christmas forgot to deliver me a new little lap top with internet access and it's in the post........maybe he's waited for the sales eh?
Hopefully you have all had a good stuffing and are smiling this year, and happily awaiting the surprises the next have in store, as I know I am looking forward to it! Lots of Love, and may your bells be jingled right through til Friday morning, or Monday morning, or for as long as you can blag a break!
I can't wait to get in the studio. I've got a guitar with me so it's all good but my lungs need some excersise now, the tunes are bursting from my seams!