
Merry Christmas....

To all! I've managed to get to a computer, as my little hideyhole in the country has proved to be marvellous but cut me off from the land of the internet - a great thing in some ways but not for keeping this blog up! Hopefully Father Christmas forgot to deliver me a new little lap top with internet access and it's in the post........maybe he's waited for the sales eh?

Hopefully you have all had a good stuffing and are smiling this year, and happily awaiting the surprises the next have in store, as I know I am looking forward to it! Lots of Love, and may your bells be jingled right through til Friday morning, or Monday morning, or for as long as you can blag a break!

I can't wait to get in the studio. I've got a guitar with me so it's all good but my lungs need some excersise now, the tunes are bursting from my seams!


Live at the Dublin Castle

Live at the Dublin Castle

About Me

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London, United Kingdom
London born and based singer, songwriter - misfit.